Tuesday 30 September 2008

First Post

Hey there!

If you don't know me, I'm Phil and this is my super wicked cool new blog where I document my number one favourite hobby, which is searching convenience stores (or Off Licences as the Brits call them) for the weirdest and sometimes most disgusting food products they contain. Sometimes the posts will not be about items that were found specifically in convenient stores, but they will always be about the types of things you might find there (ie. weird liquors, bizarre potatoe chip flavours, frightening mystery foods, etc. ). If I make any mistakes in my posts please let me know so I don't look like a giant knob end (penis).

Eierlikor (Egg Liquor)

Meet Egg Liquor. When I saw this in Zurich on a weekend out of London I was really excited. I had no idea what it was but I didn't care. Telepathically this thing was calling out to me. "Buy me Phil", "I'm awesome Phil", "I could potentially be ready mixed holiday mayhem punch your creepy uncle in the face adult Eggnog Phil". Needless to say I didn't ask what it was before I bought it. I suppose I didn't need to. The package says it all. Well actually it doesn't. What it should say on the back is "Super shit version of baileys that tastes like an uncooked omelette mixed with rubbing alcohol." According to one Swiss person I talked to Egg Liquor is quite good for cooking with. I didn't verify that though. I left the near full bottle in my hotel room for the cleaning staff to dispose of.